
How Houston Continues to Attract 国际皇冠HGA010官方下载es to the Region



以全球互联互通闻名, 熟练的劳动力和负担能力, Houston has emerged as a magnet for international businesses aiming to expand their operations and capitalize on the city's unique advantages.

靠近主要港口, 包括休斯顿港, and access to international flights via George Bush Intercontinental Airport, which was recently ranked among the top 10 best airports in the nation, Houston can provide critical resources that other major metros can’t, making it a premier location for international businesses. In 2022, 休斯顿的主要贸易伙伴包括墨西哥, 中国, 韩国, 巴西和荷兰, 根据合伙公司的 全球休斯顿 报告. 

Houston’s rich cultural tapestry also contributes to its global appeal. The Bayou City is one of the most diverse cities in the nation, 四分之一的居民是在外国出生的. 见证了这座城市日益增长的多样性, 休斯敦的外国出生人口增加了370人,在过去的十年里,大约有1000名居民, with international migration accounting for one-third of those gains, 根据合伙公司的 月度报告

休斯敦也是德克萨斯医疗中心(TMC)的所在地。, which boasts world-class institutions and facilities and serves as a catalyst for cutting-edge research and development in the region, 增添了这座城市的魅力. 10月,TMC开设了它的 TMC3协同建设, the first phase of its groundbreaking 37-acre campus dubbed Helix Park, further attracting businesses to curate and grow their ideas at the heart of the largest life science destination in the world.  

Other significant infrastructure includes the Houston Spaceport, which is anchored by many leading aerospace companies including Axiom Space, 柯林斯航空航天和直觉机器公司. 

休斯顿最近被评为世界第一.最有魅力的U.S. city for foreign multinationals to do business in the annual 《皇冠HGA010官方下载》-日经指数排名

“This ranking is a testament 去休斯顿’s position as a thriving global city with a diverse mix of industries that are attractive to international investment,” said Partnership President and CEO Bob Harvey in a statement. “Houston has long been a global gateway and is seen as having an inviting business climate. Rankings like this bolster our case as we continue to attract companies from around the world.”

被称为休斯敦的前门, the Partnership actively works to forge powerful business connections across the globe. In Q3 2023, the Partnership played a crucial role in driving 三家国际公司 去休斯顿, 包括总部位于土耳其的阿克萨发电公司, 便携式工业发电机制造商, Cimsa, 一家土耳其水泥制造商和科尼克公司, 一家韩国汽车零部件制造商. 

此外,总部 约翰·科克里尔,氢, a steering committee member of the Partnership’s Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative, recently announced its expansion to the Houston-area with a new hydrogen manufacturing facility in Baytown. 

合作伙伴中国生物, 一家总部位于北京的领先生物技术公司, 中国, 还宣布其开业 生物处理中心 at Levit Green, Houston’s 53-acre master-planned life sciences district.

了解更多关于什么是成功的 休斯顿是一个全球化的城市



Greater Houston Partnership Recognized Among Site Selection Magazine’s Top Groups

The Greater Houston Partnership has been awarded Site Selection Magazine’s Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 for its outstanding regional economic development performance in 2023. Widely considered to be the gold standard recognition for regions from the industry’s top trade publication, 该奖项是根据以下标准颁发的:  总项目 Total investment associated with those corporate facility projects Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects 这三个指标的人均计算  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,史蒂夫·基恩说, 合伙公司的总裁兼首席执行官. “这是休斯顿的团队努力, and we are delighted to work with our partner economic development groups across the region to tell the world about Houston and attract new jobs and investment to our community.”  This is the Partnership’s first win since 2021 and 15th time winning the award. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016年和2017年, bringing the Partnership’s total number of appearances in Site Selection’s top group rankings to 18 since its inception in 1989.  “I am very proud of our organization's recognition of the prestigious Mac Conway Award for Excellence,克雷格·罗兹说, Senior Vice President of 经济发展 at the Partnership. “It's a testament to the collaborative efforts with our partners across the 12-county region, and it motivates our team to continue our mission of driving inclusive prosperity and creating meaningful opportunities for all."  在2023年取得重大经济发展胜利之后, the greater Houston region has gotten off to a strong start in the first quarter of 2024, 新增139个皇冠HGA010官方下载公告.  A total of 40 businesses established new facilities in the Houston area while 97 projects were an expansion of existing Houston-area facilities. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, 与专业, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  了解更多公司选择休斯顿的原因.

Greater Houston Partnership Recognized Among Site Selection Magazine’s Top Groups

The Greater Houston Partnership has been awarded Site Selection Magazine’s Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 for its outstanding regional economic development performance in 2023. Widely considered to be the gold standard recognition for regions from the industry’s top trade publication, 该奖项是根据以下标准颁发的:  总项目 Total investment associated with those corporate facility projects Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects 这三个指标的人均计算  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,史蒂夫·基恩说, 合伙公司的总裁兼首席执行官. “这是休斯顿的团队努力, and we are delighted to work with our partner economic development groups across the region to tell the world about Houston and attract new jobs and investment to our community.”  This is the Partnership’s first win since 2021 and 15th time winning the award. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016年和2017年, bringing the Partnership’s total number of appearances in Site Selection’s top group rankings to 18 since its inception in 1989.  “I am very proud of our organization's recognition of the prestigious Mac Conway Award for Excellence,克雷格·罗兹说, Senior Vice President of 经济发展 at the Partnership. “It's a testament to the collaborative efforts with our partners across the 12-county region, and it motivates our team to continue our mission of driving inclusive prosperity and creating meaningful opportunities for all."  在2023年取得重大经济发展胜利之后, the greater Houston region has gotten off to a strong start in the first quarter of 2024, 新增139个皇冠HGA010官方下载公告.  A total of 40 businesses established new facilities in the Houston area while 97 projects were an expansion of existing Houston-area facilities. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, 与专业, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  了解更多公司选择休斯顿的原因.




The Port of Houston is renowned as a strategic gateway to the world and plays a vital role in facilitating international trade and driving economic growth. 作为全国外运吨位最大的港口,港…
